When Bruce sees Kathy crying at a train station and tries to help her, he gets more than he bargained for.

Production history:
The 10-minute play "Baggage" was given a rehearsed reading at Actors and Writers London on 9th July 2012. It was performed in the Complete One-Act Festival in New York, from 15th-19th May 2013 (see photos below). 

It was also staged as a Wildcard in the Short+Sweet festival, Auckland, on 22nd June 2013. 

It was performed again in New Zealand by Remarkable Theatre in March 2014.

Julia Burnside and Richard Mays in "Baggage" in the Complete One-Act festival, New York

From left: Emi Asano (Policewoman), Richard Mays (Bruce), Joe Carr (director), Julia Burnside (Kathy), Nina Kaufman (Tannoy voice)


"This anti-rom com is a brilliantly written work" - Faith Ashleigh-Wong

Read the review here

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