It's Lucy's wedding day. But when groom Melvyn turns up, he has a confession Lucy didn't want to hear.
Production history:
The 10-minute play "Clean Break" was first performed in the Special Skills Show by the Complete Theatre Company, New York, in 2011.
It was then staged in the Short + Sweet festival, Sydney, from 9th-13th January 2013 (see photos). Melvyn was played by Gearoid Towey and Lucy by Naomi Brand (above), and Carol by Debbie Tilley (below). The director was Jacque Vickers.
It was performed again in the Jensen Fest in New York from 13th-16th July 2017.
It was most recently staged in Short(s)Wave at the Old Red Lion Theatre, London, on 12th and 13th November 2017, by actors Lily Smith, Ben Owora and Sylvia Carson and director Orsolya Nagy.
Photos courtesy of Sylvie Soe.