A British woman goes to Australia to be with the man of her dreams. But as they travel through the outback, she finds he is not what she expected.

Production history:

The 10-minute play "Outback" was written on the spring 2014 Royal Court writing programme. It was given a rehearsed reading at Open Ealing by Andrew Loudon and Mary Drake, directed by Anthony Shrubsall. It was voted the winner on Competition Night at Actors and Writers London; the actors were Andrew Loudon and Nadia Ostacchini, and the director was Hayward Morse. It then had a rehearsed reading at the Write Angles festival, Southend, in 2015; the actors were Alan Thorley and Amanda Whiteford, and the director was Janet Tomkins.

The play had a full production in Short(s)Wave at the Bread & Roses Theatre in London in 2015; the actors were Robert Blackwood and Samantha Hopkins, and the director was Anthony Shrubsall.

A 60-minute version of the play called "Gut Feeling" was given a rehearsed reading at Actors and Writers London in 2017; the actors were Andrew Loudon and Leonora Fyfe, and the director was Hayward Morse. 

"Gut Feeling" was shortlisted for the London Horror Festival in October 2017.

Above: Andrew Loudon and Nadia Ostacchini rehearsing for Outback. Photo courtesy of Paddy Gormley.

Right: Robert Blackwood and Samantha Hopkins rehearsing for Outback . Photo courtesy of Anthony Shrubsall.

Below: Leonora Fyfe and Andrew Loudon rehearsing for Gut Feeling. Photo courtesy of Paddy Gormley.


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